From Inspire Atlanta to Board Chair – Fiona Bell’s Journey

AWF Leadership: Q&A with Fiona Bell, Board Chair

Fiona Bell, Director of State Government Affairs at Noveils, joined the Atlanta Women’s Foundation Board in July 2022 and began her two-year board chair term in July 2024. Learn more about Fiona’s journey from Inspire Atlanta to AWF Board chair. 

Q: As an Inspire Atlanta graduate from the class of 2019, describe how you first learned about AWF and its Inspire program.

A: The Atlanta Women’s Foundation is often a word-of-mouth experience. Nearly 20 years ago, I moved to Atlanta and was invited by my colleague and friend, Cecilie Goodman, to join my first AWF Numbers Too Big to Ignore Luncheon at the LexisNexis table. I felt inspired and happy to learn about an organization helping women. In 2011, I took a job with Novelis, and Danica Kombol, a former AWF Board Member, was consulting for us. She invited me back to the luncheon, which I missed due to labor with my first child! Five years later, Novelis began supporting AWF; here was this amazing cause in front of me again and it seemed like a sign. I sat in on the first brainstorming session for the Inspire Atlanta program thanks to an invite from my colleague, Ashley Gravlee. At one point, they were talking about whether to set an age limit of 30-something for program applicants. I was about to turn 40 and thought to myself, “I think I want to apply,” so I encouraged them to open it up to all ages! My colleague, Bea Landa, was in our inaugural class in 2018, and I joined the class in 2019. Each of the women I mentioned helped stir something inside me to act.

Q: Reflecting on your experience with the Inspire program, what attributes and skills have you developed that you didn’t expect would have such a meaningful impact on you both personally and professionally?

A: One of the most important aspects of the program for me was discovering my “why.”  For me, it started with work on inclusion at Novelis. Through our Women in Novelis group, I was part of a movement that got our company to make some changes, like extending our maternity leave offerings, adding paternity leave, and creating wellness rooms at our sites for new moms. We also got the company to expand facility uniforms to include both men’s and women’s sizes. Having advocated for women at work, I realized I wanted to do something beyond the walls of my company and spread this same level of awareness and change in our community. This sense of purpose really excited me.

The other important aspect was learning how to get out of my comfort zone. As part of my fundraising efforts, I sang into my phone, surrounded by three little kids who were both distracted and distracting, posted the videos on LinkedIn, and brought in more money than I expected. While I love to sing, I have never done it on a professional networking site. But it was unexpected and got people’s attention. As another example, I was in a meeting with our company President, my boss. I was so excited to tell him that I was really close to my fundraising goal. He said, “What do you have left to raise?” I replied, “$537. Want to donate the remainder?” And he gave $537, right there. Driven by a clear purpose, I was able to overcome my fear of rejection and embrace the discomfort of asking for money.

Q: Tell us more about your journey from Inspire participant to Chair of AWF’s Board of Directors.

A: The Inspire Alumnae program was a great way to stay connected. I came back to volunteer at the poverty simulation and attended events when I could. I also continued to fundraise. I was thrilled to join the board in 2022. Becoming board chair in 2024 was something I had not imagined for myself. But saying yes felt like the only option! Kari Love and the entire AWF staff are very talented and hard-working. It’s a joy to work with them on how to best support the evolving needs of women in our community.

Q: How does AWF’s mission inspire you?

A: I was born in Kansas to immigrants from Northern Ireland making their way to the American dream. As a kid, I adored watching movies and performing in the musical “The Wizard of Oz” multiple times. Today I sing, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” as a lullaby to my kids, continuing to hope and believe that “dreams really do come true.” And I understand that while we must combine our dreams with hard work, we also rely on the support of others. Dorothy had her tinman, scarecrow, and lion, and I have the security of a strong and loving family. There are women and children in our community who need our help to fulfill their dreams. There are an estimated 320,000 women living in poverty in greater Atlanta, and thanks to AWF, I have learned that breaking the cycle of poverty is incredibly difficult. Getting involved with AWF means joining a large and diverse family of women and men who are willing to take on this fight. Together, we can prove that “There’s no place like home” right here in Atlanta.

Q: Novelis has been a strong supporter of AWF. Could you discuss the role of philanthropy in business and highlight ways companies can give back to their communities through fundraising, advocacy, and volunteerism?

A: When companies choose to support local nonprofits, they expose their employees to the needs in their community and provide them with opportunities in volunteerism, fundraising, and leadership. Novelis has been honored to participate in Inspire Atlanta since its inception. Inspire Atlanta is woven into the fabric of Novelis’ culture, a win for both the company and the individual participating. This program has provided a transformational experience for me and for all our participants, bringing our company and community together in service to women and girls.